Daniel 9
I made a brief youtube video about this chapter. Pointing out a few ideas from this chapter.
When, in the old testament, people refer to covering themselves in ashes, and in wearing sackcloth, and fasting, I would like to know more details about what exactly is going on. These seem to be expressions that everyone understood what it meant. How exactly do you wear a sackcloth? Is that just an expression? Would they cover themselves completely in ash? Also, in the video, I talk about how Daniel clearly studied biblical texts trying to figure out the interpretations of prophecy. Daniel also spoke his prayers out loud. Also, in this chapter, the angel Gabriel is said to have the appearence of a man, specifically. But still angelic in nature, not like us.
Daniel 9:4-19 is a beautiful prayer, by Daniel, and mid-prayer, at verse 20/21, is when Gabriel the angel touches him (to get his attention).
Gabriel then explains the 70 week prophecy in more detail to Daniel, but, similar to book of Revelation, the reader is not likely to be as skilled as Daniel in the interpretation of things, and will be left as befuddled as I.